Displaying core journals 41-60 of 1087. Sorted by journal name (alphabetically), decreasingly.
Rank Country Journal name Totals Without journal self-citations
Quartile H5-Index H5-Median H Citations H5-Index H Citations %
1017DenmarkTidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (lom)Q4236142,4
159United KingdomThinking Skills and CreativityQ121307441968460,684
982UkraineTheory and Methods of E-learningQ4339390,9
596United KingdomTheory and Research in EducationQ3101117591696,169
198United StatesTheory into PracticeQ119296131960310,603
418United StatesTheory & Research in Social EducationQ213192941226331,263
591United StatesThe Volta ReviewQ31012155913322,133
319NetherlandsThe Urban ReviewQ215244771446512,465
503United StatesThe Science TeacherQ211162271021413,214
80United StatesThe Review of Higher EducationQ12739134727131136,1311
73United StatesThe Reading TeacherQ12837131328128825,1288
449United StatesThe Physics TeacherQ212202541019163,191
77United StatesThe Modern Language JournalQ12750175827169959,1699
187United KingdomThe Learning OrganizationQ120276342060925,609
883United KingdomThe Law TeacherQ446344304,30
537United KingdomThe Language Learning JournalQ31113147101434,143
154United StatesThe Journal of Special EducationQ12138106421104519,1045
343United StatesThe Journal of School NursingQ21519367153661,366
961United KingdomThe Journal of Practice Teaching and LearningQ434133103,10
678United StatesThe Journal of Physician Assistant EducationQ381010268814,88
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